At RiskCure we proud ourself to include understandable Governance as a subject  in our cost leadership programs just for the Casino , Hotel, hospitality industry. It was found that although governance makes out one of 5 major key performance areas, 95 % plus managers have received no training in this regard. The subject is also not included in corporate training programs. Besides pure and other risks, Ethical and reputational risks are rarely discussed nor reported as required.


“Sound Corporate Governance” has been defined as “managing the risk management processes on a daily basis” by the “most senior executive Director”! To be responsible for the risk processes on the one hand and to allow a contract Security Company to manage pure risk on the shop floor requires an extremely integrated approach and executive management knowledge of the actual industry. To allow a contract security company into the business without conducting an in depth liability survey or risk assessment would be a liability especially if the security company should ensure sound governance on the shop floor and allow for “instant risk messaging” on a daily basis. 

 Reporting mechanism / Incident data base 

Without history of incidents or near incidents the risk management efforts will be fruitless. The more consistent the reporting of incidents/hazards the more cost effective the security expense will prove to be through effective countermeasure application. Without a proper data base, security expense and efforts can never be evaluated for efficiency.

A credible and accurate database integrated with your monthly and annual financial reports will assist in ensuring “good corporate governance” due to the fact that vulnerable and critical areas will be identified immediately and the true erosion to your bottom line can be addressed.

“RiskCure” will ensure that a reporting mechanism forms the basis of a “sound governance relationship” in cooperation with the client.  Therefore our motto - “Corporate Governance through risk management assistance”




  Reporting mechanism / Incident data base for Hotel, Casino hospitality industry.

Transparent and honest reporting of ethical, reputational and other risks are paramount to Sound corporate governance and even more important in the Casino Hotel or hospitality industry. Without history of incidents or near incidents the risk management efforts will be fruitless. The more consistent the reporting of incidents/hazards the more cost effective the security expense will prove to be through effective countermeasure application. Without a proper data base, security expense and efforts can never be evaluated for efficiency.

A credible and accurate database integrated with your monthly and annual financial reports will assist in ensuring “good corporate governance” due to the fact that vulnerable and critical areas will be identified immediately and the true erosion to your bottom line can be addressed.

“RiskCure” will ensure that a reporting mechanism forms the basis of a “sound governance relationship” in cooperation with the client.  Therefore our motto - “Corporate Governance through risk management assistance”


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